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// Copyright 2020 Tyler Neely
9 years ago
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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//! rustic merge operator
//! ```
//! use rocksdb::{Options, DB, MergeOperands};
//! fn concat_merge(new_key: &[u8],
//! existing_val: Option<&[u8]>,
//! operands: &MergeOperands)
//! -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
//! let mut result: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(operands.len());
//!|v| {
//! for e in v {
//! result.push(*e)
//! }
//! });
//! for op in operands {
//! for e in op {
//! result.push(*e)
//! }
//! }
//! Some(result)
//! }
//!let path = "_rust_path_to_rocksdb";
//!let mut opts = Options::default();
//!opts.set_merge_operator_associative("test operator", concat_merge);
//! let db = DB::open(&opts, path).unwrap();
//! let p = db.put(b"k1", b"a");
//! db.merge(b"k1", b"b");
//! db.merge(b"k1", b"c");
//! db.merge(b"k1", b"d");
//! db.merge(b"k1", b"efg");
//! let r = db.get(b"k1");
//! assert_eq!(r.unwrap().unwrap(), b"abcdefg");
//!let _ = DB::destroy(&opts, path);
//! ```
use libc::{self, c_char, c_int, c_void, size_t};
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::mem;
use std::ptr;
use std::slice;
pub trait MergeFn:
Fn(&[u8], Option<&[u8]>, &MergeOperands) -> Option<Vec<u8>> + Send + Sync + 'static
impl<F> MergeFn for F where
F: Fn(&[u8], Option<&[u8]>, &MergeOperands) -> Option<Vec<u8>> + Send + Sync + 'static
pub struct MergeOperatorCallback<F: MergeFn, PF: MergeFn> {
pub name: CString,
pub full_merge_fn: F,
pub partial_merge_fn: PF,
pub unsafe extern "C" fn destructor_callback<F: MergeFn, PF: MergeFn>(raw_cb: *mut c_void) {
drop(Box::from_raw(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback<F, PF>));
pub unsafe extern "C" fn delete_callback(
_raw_cb: *mut c_void,
value: *const c_char,
value_length: size_t,
) {
if !value.is_null() {
value as *mut u8,
value_length as usize,
pub unsafe extern "C" fn name_callback<F: MergeFn, PF: MergeFn>(
raw_cb: *mut c_void,
) -> *const c_char {
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback<F, PF>);
pub unsafe extern "C" fn full_merge_callback<F: MergeFn, PF: MergeFn>(
raw_cb: *mut c_void,
raw_key: *const c_char,
key_len: size_t,
existing_value: *const c_char,
existing_value_len: size_t,
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
success: *mut u8,
new_value_length: *mut size_t,
) -> *mut c_char {
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback<F, PF>);
let operands = &MergeOperands::new(operands_list, operands_list_len, num_operands);
let key = slice::from_raw_parts(raw_key as *const u8, key_len as usize);
let oldval = if existing_value.is_null() {
} else {
existing_value as *const u8,
existing_value_len as usize,
(cb.full_merge_fn)(key, oldval, operands).map_or_else(
|| {
*new_value_length = 0;
*success = 0_u8;
ptr::null_mut() as *mut c_char
|result| {
*new_value_length = result.len() as size_t;
*success = 1_u8;
Box::into_raw(result.into_boxed_slice()) as *mut c_char
pub unsafe extern "C" fn partial_merge_callback<F: MergeFn, PF: MergeFn>(
raw_cb: *mut c_void,
raw_key: *const c_char,
key_len: size_t,
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
success: *mut u8,
new_value_length: *mut size_t,
) -> *mut c_char {
let cb = &mut *(raw_cb as *mut MergeOperatorCallback<F, PF>);
let operands = &MergeOperands::new(operands_list, operands_list_len, num_operands);
let key = slice::from_raw_parts(raw_key as *const u8, key_len as usize);
(cb.partial_merge_fn)(key, None, operands).map_or_else(
|| {
*new_value_length = 0;
*success = 0_u8;
|result| {
*new_value_length = result.len() as size_t;
*success = 1_u8;
Box::into_raw(result.into_boxed_slice()) as *mut c_char
pub struct MergeOperands {
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: usize,
impl MergeOperands {
fn new(
operands_list: *const *const c_char,
operands_list_len: *const size_t,
num_operands: c_int,
) -> MergeOperands {
assert!(num_operands >= 0);
MergeOperands {
num_operands: num_operands as usize,
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.num_operands == 0
pub fn iter(&self) -> MergeOperandsIter {
MergeOperandsIter {
operands: self,
cursor: 0,
fn get_operand(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> {
if index >= self.num_operands {
} else {
unsafe {
let base = self.operands_list as usize;
let base_len = self.operands_list_len as usize;
let spacing = mem::size_of::<*const *const u8>();
let spacing_len = mem::size_of::<*const size_t>();
let len_ptr = (base_len + (spacing_len * index)) as *const size_t;
let len = *len_ptr as usize;
let ptr = base + (spacing * index);
*(ptr as *const *const u8) as *const u8,
pub struct MergeOperandsIter<'a> {
operands: &'a MergeOperands,
cursor: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for MergeOperandsIter<'a> {
type Item = &'a [u8];
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let operand = self.operands.get_operand(self.cursor)?;
self.cursor += 1;
fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
let remaining = self.operands.num_operands - self.cursor;
(remaining, Some(remaining))
impl<'a> IntoIterator for &'a MergeOperands {
type Item = &'a [u8];
type IntoIter = MergeOperandsIter<'a>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
Self::IntoIter {
operands: self,
cursor: 0,