fix nodeJS SDK

Niko PLP 6 days ago
parent 6aa87f1467
commit abbc63c7a0
  1. 4
  2. 12
  3. 293
  4. 13
  5. 2
  6. 10
  7. 2
  8. 2
  9. 2
  10. 17

@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
"install": {
"app_availability": "<b>NextGraph App</b> is available for download as a native app for your mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop.<br /> The app supports iOS, Android, Linux, macOS, Windows, or any other platform with a modern browser.",
"has_wallet_warning": "A wallet is saved in this browser. If it is yours,<br /> once the installation of the app will be finished,<br /> choose the option \"Login\" on the app.<br /> (do not create another wallet from the app).",
"has_wallet_warning": "A wallet is saved in this browser. <br />If it is yours, once the installation of the app will be finished,<br /> choose the option \"Login\" on the app.<br /> (do not create another wallet from the app).",
"android_play_store": "Android Play Store",
"download_apk": "Download APK",
"ios_app_store": "iOS App Store",
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
"5": "At anytime you can decide to switch to another broker service provider or host it yourself. Your data is totally <b >portable</b > and can freely move to another broker.",
"6": "Soon we will offer you the opportunity to host your own broker at <b>home</b> or <b>office</b>. Instead of using a \"broker service provider\", you will own a small device that you connect behind your internet router. It is called <b>NG Box</b> and will be available soon.",
"7": "Organizations and companies have the opportunity to host a broker <b>on-premise</b> or in the <b>cloud</b>, as the software is open source. Individuals can also <b>self-host</b> a broker on any VPS server or at home, on their dedicated hardware.",
"8": "You can also start by installing the Native App and create the wallet from there, and select the broker also from the app. <br/>At any time you will be able to transfer your Wallet from one device to another (including from the web-app and the native apps)."
"8": "You can also start by installing the Native App and create the wallet from there, and then select the broker from the app. <br/>At any time you will be able to transfer your Wallet from one device to another (including from the web-app and the native apps)."
"choose_broker": "Please choose one broker among the list",
"register_with_broker": "Register with {broker}",

@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ rust-version.workspace = true
wasm-opt = false
appdev = "rm -r pkg && wasm-pack build --target bundler"
app = "rm -r pkg && wasm-pack build --target bundler"
nodedev = "rm -r pkg-node && wasm-pack build --dev -t nodejs -d pkg-node && node prepare-node.js"
node = "rm -r pkg-node && wasm-pack build -t nodejs -d pkg-node && node prepare-node.js"
web = "rm -r web && wasm-pack build --target web -d web"
webdev = "rm -r web && wasm-pack build --dev --target web -d web"
appdev = "rm -rf pkg && wasm-pack build --target bundler"
app = "rm -rf pkg && wasm-pack build --target bundler"
nodedev = "rm -rf pkg-node && wasm-pack build --dev -t nodejs -d pkg-node && node prepare-node.js"
node = "rm -rf pkg-node && wasm-pack build -t nodejs -d pkg-node && node prepare-node.js"
web = "rm -rf web && wasm-pack build --target web -d web"
webdev = "rm -rf web && wasm-pack build --dev --target web -d web"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

@ -21,125 +21,198 @@ let config = {
server_addr: ""
ng.init_headless(config).then( async() => {
let session_id;
// get your wallet file as an ArrayBuffer and pass it to wallet_read_file
const fs = require('fs');
let buffer = fs.readFileSync("/Users/nl/Downloads/wallet-Hr-UITwGtjE1k6lXBoVGzD4FQMiDkM3T6bSeAi9PXt4A.ngw");
ng.wallet_read_file(buffer).then(async (wallet)=>{
try {
//let user_id = await ng.admin_create_user(config);
//console.log("user created: ",user_id);
let opened_wallet = await ng.wallet_open_with_mnemonic_words(wallet, ["jealous",
[2, 3, 2, 3]);
let user_id = opened_wallet.V0.personal_site;
let wallet_name = opened_wallet.V0.wallet_id;
let user_id = "sajsOaZWHXNyvhBxWbyj9GFmxuAjsP31gWQ2qZunCr0A";
//let base;
let session = await ng.session_headless_start(user_id);
session_id = session.session_id;
let _client = await ng.wallet_import(wallet, opened_wallet, true)
let session = await ng.session_in_memory_start(wallet_name, user_id);
let session_id = session.session_id;
let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session.session_id);
let protected_repo_id = session.protected_store_id.substr(2,44);
console.log("Session started. protected store ID = ", protected_repo_id)
let info = await ng.client_info();
let connection_status = await ng.user_connect(
let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session_id);
let private_store = "did:ng:o:qBzNhlqofXRKbTfTUOq-2Aagh5AgDES5LR4Hsw7caCUA:v:XL7JfZF_8OuRiEN1db3g44sUD2m1aU8Z_Ab1Z6H-AOkA";
//let nuri = await ng.doc_create(session.session_id, "Graph", "data:graph", "protected", "B381BvfdAFYPBkdhDrsqnMMg5pnJMWJgJbZobZErXZMA", "store");
let nuri = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA:v:cpEgHDobJmdpcB8Z4SP91tBX4wPaasjJuz09GkfP2_UA";
let base = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA";
console.log("******** UPDATE")
//let header_branch = "did:ng:o:b70vk7Bj4eInXgG8pLysrFpEL-YSOiRYEmihPGiM1EsA:v:_0hm2qIpq443C7rMEdCGnhPDhsaWR2XruTIaF-9LKbkA:b:TokczMya9WDpQ-_FYFi7QJVbHmllWS3lD-vjtzHHQa0A";
// let sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", base, header_branch);
// console.log(sparql_result);
// for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// console.log(q);
// }
// await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "WITH <"+header_branch+"> \
// DELETE { <> <did:ng:x:ng#n> ?n. } INSERT {<> <did:ng:x:ng#n> \"ddd6\". } WHERE {OPTIONAL { <> <did:ng:x:ng#n> ?n } }",nuri);
// let history = await ng.branch_history(session.session_id);
// for (const h of history.history) {
// console.log(h[0], h[1]);
// }
// console.log(history.swimlane_state);
await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:_> <did:ng:i> <did:ng:j3> }");
sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
console.log("******** CONSTRUCT")
for (const r of sparql_result) console.log(r.subject.value, r.predicate.value, r.object.value);
// await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "DELETE DATA { <did:ng:t:AJQ5gCLoXXjalC9diTDCvxxWu5ZQUcYWEE821nhVRMcE> <did:ng:i> <did:ng:j> }");
// await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:t:AJQ5gCLoXXjalC9diTDCvxxWu5ZQUcYWEE821nhVRMcE> <did:ng:i> <did:ng:j> }");
// await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?s <did:ng:i> <did:ng:k> } WHERE { ?s <did:ng:i> <did:ng:j> } ");
// await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:z> <did:ng:j> <did:ng:t:BJQ5gCLoXXjalC9diTDCvxxWu5ZQUcYWEE821nhVRMcE>. <did:ng:t:BJQ5gCLoXXjalC9diTDCvxxWu5ZQUcYWEE821nhVRMcE> <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> }");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:z> <did:ng:j> [ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> ]. }");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> ] <did:ng:ok> <did:ng:v> . }");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?a <did:ng:ok> <did:ng:v> . } WHERE { ?a <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> } ");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:z> <did:ng:j> _:1 . _:1 <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n>. }");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:f766ca988268ddc60315ddd5bd621387 <did:ng:o> <did:ng:>. }");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { _:_ <did:ng:ok> <did:ng:v> . } WHERE { _:_ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> } ");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:_ <abc:a> <d:a> . _:_a <abceee:a> <d:a> . }");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <> <a:selftest> <a:selftest> . }",base);
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:TEST4> <did:ng:j> _:_ . _:_ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> . }");
//await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:TEST5> <did:ng:j> [ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> ]. }");
// sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a <did:ng:j> _:abc. _:abc <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> }", base);
// console.log(sparql_result);
// for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// console.log(q);
// }
// sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?a WHERE { ?s <did:ng:j> ?a }", base);
// console.log(sparql_result);
// for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// console.log(q);
// }
// console.log("******** CONSTRUCT2")
// let quads = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }",base);
// for (const q of quads) {
// console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString(), q.graph.toString())
// }
// let file_nuri = await ng.file_put_to_private_store(session.session_id,"LICENSE-MIT","text/plain");
// console.log(file_nuri);
// //let file_nuri = "did:ng:j:AD_d4njVMAtIDEU1G-RDxfOLIOZyOrB_1Rb7B6XykIEJ:k:APV-_Xtk03PW_Mbl4OaYpLrmEkBDVtn81lpto8sxc_tb";
// var bufs = [];
// let cancel = await ng.file_get_from_private_store(session.session_id, file_nuri, async (file) => {
// if (file.V0.FileMeta) {
// //skip
// } else if (file.V0.FileBinary) {
// if (file.V0.FileBinary.byteLength > 0) {
// bufs.push(file.V0.FileBinary);
// }
// } else if (file.V0 == 'EndOfStream') {
// //console.log("end of file");
// var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs);
// // if the file contains some UTF8 text
// console.log(buf.toString('utf8'));
// }
// });
// the 2nd argument `false` means: do not `force_close` the dataset.
// it will be detached, which means it stays in memory even when the session is stopped.
// (not all the dataset is in memory anyway! just some metadata)
// if you set this to true, the dataset is closed and removed from memory on the server.
// next time you will open a session for this user, the dataset will be loaded again.
let res = await ng.session_headless_stop(session.session_id, false);
let nuri = await ng.doc_create(session_id, "Graph", "data:graph", "protected", protected_repo_id, "store");
// await ng.sparql_update(session_id,
// "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:_> <example:predicate> \"An example value30\". }", nuri );
// cleaning up
await ng.user_disconnect(user_id);
await ng.session_stop(user_id);
await ng.wallet_close(wallet_name);
console.log("the end");
} catch (e) {
if (session_id) await ng.session_headless_stop(session_id, true);
.catch(err => {
}).catch(err => {
// ng.init_headless(config).then( async() => {
// let session_id;
// try {
// //let user_id = await ng.admin_create_user(config);
// //console.log("user created: ",user_id);
// let user_id = "sajsOaZWHXNyvhBxWbyj9GFmxuAjsP31gWQ2qZunCr0A";
// //let base;
// let session = await ng.session_headless_start(user_id);
// session_id = session.session_id;
// console.log(session);
// let dump = await ng.rdf_dump(session.session_id);
// console.log(dump);
// let private_store = "did:ng:o:qBzNhlqofXRKbTfTUOq-2Aagh5AgDES5LR4Hsw7caCUA:v:XL7JfZF_8OuRiEN1db3g44sUD2m1aU8Z_Ab1Z6H-AOkA";
// //let nuri = await ng.doc_create(session.session_id, "Graph", "data:graph", "protected", "B381BvfdAFYPBkdhDrsqnMMg5pnJMWJgJbZobZErXZMA", "store");
// let nuri = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA:v:cpEgHDobJmdpcB8Z4SP91tBX4wPaasjJuz09GkfP2_UA";
// console.log("nuri=",nuri);
// let base = "did:ng:o:FwRgrwtOhli54mRT6xi8J5ZK7X4L7L86lpbwhNVmgbsA";
// console.log("******** UPDATE")
// //let header_branch = "did:ng:o:b70vk7Bj4eInXgG8pLysrFpEL-YSOiRYEmihPGiM1EsA:v:_0hm2qIpq443C7rMEdCGnhPDhsaWR2XruTIaF-9LKbkA:b:TokczMya9WDpQ-_FYFi7QJVbHmllWS3lD-vjtzHHQa0A";
// // let sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }", base, header_branch);
// // console.log(sparql_result);
// // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// // console.log(q);
// // }
// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "WITH <"+header_branch+"> \
// // DELETE { <> <did:ng:x:ng#n> ?n. } INSERT {<> <did:ng:x:ng#n> \"ddd6\". } WHERE {OPTIONAL { <> <did:ng:x:ng#n> ?n } }",nuri);
// // let history = await ng.branch_history(session.session_id);
// // for (const h of history.history) {
// // console.log(h[0], h[1]);
// // }
// // console.log(history.swimlane_state);
// await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:_> <did:ng:i> <did:ng:j3> }");
// sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }");
// console.log("******** CONSTRUCT")
// for (const r of sparql_result) console.log(r.subject.value, r.predicate.value, r.object.value);
// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "DELETE DATA { <did:ng:t:AJQ5gCLoXXjalC9diTDCvxxWu5ZQUcYWEE821nhVRMcE> <did:ng:i> <did:ng:j> }");
// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:t:AJQ5gCLoXXjalC9diTDCvxxWu5ZQUcYWEE821nhVRMcE> <did:ng:i> <did:ng:j> }");
// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?s <did:ng:i> <did:ng:k> } WHERE { ?s <did:ng:i> <did:ng:j> } ");
// // await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:z> <did:ng:j> <did:ng:t:BJQ5gCLoXXjalC9diTDCvxxWu5ZQUcYWEE821nhVRMcE>. <did:ng:t:BJQ5gCLoXXjalC9diTDCvxxWu5ZQUcYWEE821nhVRMcE> <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> }");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:z> <did:ng:j> [ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> ]. }");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { [ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> ] <did:ng:ok> <did:ng:v> . }");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { ?a <did:ng:ok> <did:ng:v> . } WHERE { ?a <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> } ");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:z> <did:ng:j> _:1 . _:1 <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n>. }");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:f766ca988268ddc60315ddd5bd621387 <did:ng:o> <did:ng:>. }");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT { _:_ <did:ng:ok> <did:ng:v> . } WHERE { _:_ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> } ");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { _:_ <abc:a> <d:a> . _:_a <abceee:a> <d:a> . }");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <> <a:selftest> <a:selftest> . }",base);
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:TEST4> <did:ng:j> _:_ . _:_ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> . }");
// //await ng.sparql_update(session.session_id, "INSERT DATA { <did:ng:TEST5> <did:ng:j> [ <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> ]. }");
// // sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?a WHERE { ?a <did:ng:j> _:abc. _:abc <did:ng:m> <did:ng:n> }", base);
// // console.log(sparql_result);
// // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// // console.log(q);
// // }
// // sparql_result = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "SELECT ?s ?a WHERE { ?s <did:ng:j> ?a }", base);
// // console.log(sparql_result);
// // for (const q of sparql_result.results.bindings) {
// // console.log(q);
// // }
// // console.log("******** CONSTRUCT2")
// // let quads = await ng.sparql_query(session.session_id, "CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { ?s ?p ?o }",base);
// // for (const q of quads) {
// // console.log(q.subject.toString(), q.predicate.toString(), q.object.toString(), q.graph.toString())
// // }
// // let file_nuri = await ng.file_put_to_private_store(session.session_id,"LICENSE-MIT","text/plain");
// // console.log(file_nuri);
// // //let file_nuri = "did:ng:j:AD_d4njVMAtIDEU1G-RDxfOLIOZyOrB_1Rb7B6XykIEJ:k:APV-_Xtk03PW_Mbl4OaYpLrmEkBDVtn81lpto8sxc_tb";
// // var bufs = [];
// // let cancel = await ng.file_get_from_private_store(session.session_id, file_nuri, async (file) => {
// // if (file.V0.FileMeta) {
// // //skip
// // } else if (file.V0.FileBinary) {
// // if (file.V0.FileBinary.byteLength > 0) {
// // bufs.push(file.V0.FileBinary);
// // }
// // } else if (file.V0 == 'EndOfStream') {
// // //console.log("end of file");
// // var buf = Buffer.concat(bufs);
// // // if the file contains some UTF8 text
// // console.log(buf.toString('utf8'));
// // }
// // });
// // the 2nd argument `false` means: do not `force_close` the dataset.
// // it will be detached, which means it stays in memory even when the session is stopped.
// // (not all the dataset is in memory anyway! just some metadata)
// // if you set this to true, the dataset is closed and removed from memory on the server.
// // next time you will open a session for this user, the dataset will be loaded again.
// let res = await ng.session_headless_stop(session.session_id, false);
// //console.log(res);
// } catch (e) {
// console.error(e);
// if (session_id) await ng.session_headless_stop(session_id, true);
// }
// })
// .catch(err => {
// console.error(err);
// });

@ -9,13 +9,14 @@
"version": "0.1.0",
"license": "(MIT OR Apache-2.0)",
"dependencies": {
"nextgraph": "^0.1.0",
"nextgraph": "^0.1.1",
"ws": "^8.13.0"
"../pkg-node": {
"name": "nextgraph",
"version": "0.1.0",
"extraneous": true,
"license": "MIT/Apache-2.0"
"node_modules/bufferutil": {
@ -32,6 +33,11 @@
"node": ">=6.14.2"
"node_modules/nextgraph": {
"version": "0.1.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-hTRfI9YVZ+nBaqBq6k2fUIzoaSQER5pMdz/eOHYo6XSMJS9CQNRo8Ko0eHb3rj4gZR3r5ox+G6t4IaoCiAsxsw=="
"node_modules/node-gyp-build": {
"version": "4.6.0",
"resolved": "",
@ -90,6 +96,11 @@
"node-gyp-build": "^4.3.0"
"nextgraph": {
"version": "0.1.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha512-hTRfI9YVZ+nBaqBq6k2fUIzoaSQER5pMdz/eOHYo6XSMJS9CQNRo8Ko0eHb3rj4gZR3r5ox+G6t4IaoCiAsxsw=="
"node-gyp-build": {
"version": "4.6.0",
"resolved": "",

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"author": "Niko PLP <>",
"license": "(MIT OR Apache-2.0)",
"dependencies": {
"nextgraph": "^0.1.0",
"nextgraph": "^0.1.1",
"ws": "^8.13.0"

@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
import * as ng from "ng-sdk-js";
import test from './test';
// import test from './test';
// ng.test();
// test();
await ng.wallet_read_file

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
"ng-sdk-js": "^0.1.0"
"ng-sdk-js": "^0.1.1"
"devDependencies": {
"webpack": "^4.29.3",

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import * as ng from "ng-sdk-js";
function test() {
export default test;

@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ module.exports.upload_file = async ( filename, callback, end) => {
module.exports.client_details = function () {
const process = require('process');
const osnode = require('os');
let arch = osnode.machine? osnode.machine() : process.arch;
if (arch=="ia32") {arch="x86"}
else if (arch=="x64") {arch="x86_64"}
@ -158,7 +159,6 @@ module.exports.client_details = function () {
else if (arch=="i686") {arch="x86"}
else if (arch=="amd64") {arch="x86_64"}
else if (arch=="arm64") {arch="aarch64"}
const osnode = require('os');
let os = osName(osnode.platform(),osnode.release());
if (osnode.version) os.uname = osnode.version();
os.type = osnode.type();

@ -258,6 +258,23 @@ pub async fn session_start(wallet_name: String, user_js: JsValue) -> Result<JsVa
pub async fn session_in_memory_start(
wallet_name: String,
user_js: JsValue,
) -> Result<JsValue, String> {
let user_id = serde_wasm_bindgen::from_value::<PubKey>(user_js)
.map_err(|_| "Deserialization error of user_id")?;
let config = SessionConfig::new_in_memory(&user_id, &wallet_name);
let res: SessionInfoString = nextgraph::local_broker::session_start(config)
.map_err(|e: NgError| e.to_string())?
#[cfg(wasmpack_target = "nodejs")]
pub async fn session_headless_start(user_js: String) -> Result<JsValue, String> {
